Harry Hero is a collaborative family writing project. He began as typing practice for author #6 in the mid-seventies. Authors M, 1, 4, 5, 7, spontaneously and sarcastically contributed until Harry took on a life and momentum of his own. He was reborn as a Christmas project in the early nineties and again as a web project in the new millennium. Once more Harry has risen from near tragic and certain literary deaths to live again as blog practice. Bulwer-Lytton judges take note.

About Me

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It seems I have suffered and survived a few insults and injuries to my cranium, thus my memory does not lend itself to one seamless life I could call my own. Instead, my life seems to be one dim episode after another documented by a random and rather odd conglomeration of assorted biographers who, for some bizarre reason, seem compelled to document my trials as if I were a remarkable hero. Heroism can take many forms. Perhaps it is finding fresh strawberries in November for the Manhattan socialite's crepes as she breaks her fast. Perhaps it is found in a multitude of skills, lucky breaks and death defying feats. It may be true that piloting my faithful rig, Betsy, through the Canadian Rockies is not for the weak of spirit, mind or body; I claim no special talents other than devoted love and endless hope. Love of a good truck, a good cup coffee and a good adventure. Hope of self-actualization and...Sophie? If you desire a chronological –not necessarily logical- plotline begin reading at the January 26 2006 post - The Not So Constant Gardener - and follow subsequent postings to present day.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Harry has a Good Sleep circa 1979

The moon! But of course! Suddenly he was overwhelmed with the return of his memory. Death Valley had never been like this. It could only be the Goddess of the Night where he lay wounded but alive. "And how could that be?", he queried to himself, for no-one else was near. Groaning, he turned his head just managing to stretch the black pupil of his reddened eyes thus enabling himself to make out the life support system that lay beside him. Too soon, consciousness escaped him and the misty mirages of senseless sleep overcame his tormented ego, giving rise to his true self. Through the fog etched the soul of his existence proclaiming its right to be heard. Clawing, clinging, and climbing one tiny string to awareness; it came. It came, relentlessly, beating the path - the royal road - to consciousness. There were countless images of synaptic statements vented from the vortex of our hero's fixations writhing ever forward. But then, just as they neared full throttle REM, deep sleep invaded forcing the Id-beasties to reconsider. Hours later, the dawn of Luna awoke simultaneously with the dawn of Harry's beingness. It cascaded the heavenly light across the worn features of his face and likewise the heavenly light of his soul across the worn features of his Dasein.

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